Saturday, December 13, 2014

ASLers! Here is a play aid for ASL you can use to keep track of your turns. You can use the counters I made below for Retro for this as well. I know many fellow ASLers around the world that use this in tournaments. Get it here...

Sunday, November 2, 2014

I'm thinking of getting into Quick Strike Battletech. Looks like fun. I'm making myself some BIG counters for 2" hexes.

Monday, June 23, 2014

New LnL World at War Counters for the 2000s

Here are some samples, but there are four sheets. US, Russia, Poland and Germany. New tanks and IFVs, drones, and infantry. Based on an idea design by Stephen Cowne. Thanks, Steve!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Want your own leader counter for ASL or RETRO or Advanced Tobruk? Shoot me an email.

Here are some play aids for the ASL Variant "RETRO" (an awful name, but an excellent variant!) Keep it on the side  of your map to keep the phases and other info current. Use the counters of the various nations and the last turn counter as well.